Monday, March 2, 2009

Hatin' on the arts?

A writer acquaintance of mine (Lisa Solod Warren) just posted something to on the typical Republican stance when it comes to funding the arts. Give it a look.

Personally, I think the arts and the NEA have always been a punching bag for Conservatives and Republicans, despite the fact that they are taught in schools all the way through college - and create plenty of jobs. That's one thing arts supporters could so a better job of - explain just how support the arts makes economic sense. Towns like Roanoke and Charlottesville have hitched part of their wagons to the arts.

see link (paste into browser):

1 comment:

  1. Gene, I read her article, and it's typically bigoted. This isn't a hard argument to follow. I'm a writer, so I think I can say this. First, most writers and artists tend to be liberal in worldview. Second, they think it's their mission to "speak truth to power" in whatever medium they use. That's fine, but we'll see if they continue with the Obama in the White House. So far, it appears they're sold out and blinkered. Third, they believe it's their mission to tear down and belittle conservatives with whom they don't agree, not respecting our differences, but seeing us as evil, backwards, or vulgar. See the Huffington Post on any comment thread to verify this. SO...Fourth, why should Republicans want to fund people who belittle and demean their beliefs? Isn't that a simple concept to understand?

    I'm not arguing with you, here, but with Ms. Warren. I support the arts, and see their contribution to society and humanity. But if someone wants to insult you, it clearly makes no sense to pay them to do it.

    Enjoying your blog, and keeping up with your world...
